Promoting from within a key initiative at Gemini Motor Transport

Gemini Motor Transport

Growth has been a primary goal at Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores since day one. Only a few short years ago, Gemini operated four trucks with six drivers. Today, it has more than 600 trucks and 900 drivers. We're not math whizzes, but that's a lot of growth!

Safety, performance and strong leadership are what drive Gemini to be one of the industry's best. What separates Gemini's leadership from other companies? Of 18 regional managers, 17 began as Gemini fuel drivers. Additionally, the three general managers who oversee the regional managers got their starts the same way.

"Promoting from within is one of our goals," said Gemini's Vice President of Transportation Brent Bergevin. "There isn't a better way to grow your company than by growing the people you work with every day. They already know the system and the expectations."

Leadership, work ethic and a positive attitude are characteristics Gemini looks for when filling a managerial or lead driver position. The best way to know if a candidate is qualified is by working with him or her firsthand.

Tweet: Promoting from within a key initiative at Gemini Motor Transport via @LovesTravelStop

"When you interview someone, you don't get to know them outside of what they say," said Bergevin. "But with an existing employee, you know them. You know if they go above and beyond. You know their attitude and how they act on the front lines."

2016 promises to continue the trend of growth throughout Love's. With 30 more stores scheduled to open this year, Bergevin expects the opportunities at Gemini to increase even more.

"Our model of promoting from within has been very successful, and it is something we will continue to do."

Gemini is always looking for the next great group of safe and reliable drivers. Click here to check out the openings from across the country.

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