Quick-thinking employee at Love’s 488 helps save infant’s life

Megan Ralls Bloomsdale Missouri

We all remember being the new employee and our first few days and weeks on the job. Regardless of what we do or where we work, chances are those experiences contained similarities. There was a learning process, introductions to new co-workers and settling-in period.

But how many of us can say they helped save a life during the middle of a shift less than three weeks into a new job?

Megan Ralls at Love's 488 in Bloomsdale, Missouri, can.

While cleaning the showers, a request for assistance operating an oxygen machine came over Ralls' radio. An unresponsive infant in the parking lot needed help. Ralls, who has experience as a nurse, immediately jumped into action. However, the situation was about to become more complicated.

Upon arriving in the parking lot, Ralls learned there was a problem with the oxygen machine, and there wasn't time to fix it. Performing traditional CPR on the baby was the only option. Ralls was concerned she may be carrying bronchitis, which can be fatal in infants, and knew she couldn't safely administer breaths to the child. Her only choice was to calm the baby's mother and instruct her on how to do it. With Ralls' help, the mother was able to breathe life into her baby's lungs until paramedics arrived.

Though first responders arrived quickly, Ralls provided the care needed during critical moments. While her actions certainly helped save an infant's life, Ralls doesn't consider what she did to be heroic or even special.

"It wasn't really a big deal," said Ralls. "It was something that had to be done."

We can all think of a few people who would politely disagree and say what Ralls did was a tremendous deal. One of those people is Tim Gohn, general manager at Love's 488.

"Some employees see no limit when it comes to acting fast and resolving a situation," said Gohn. "She stepped up to the plate with no hesitation, no questions asked and no gratitude expected. It was a true act of heroism, and it is an act that we are grateful for. Megan is an amazing employee, and we are proud to have her on our team here at Love's 488."

Tweet: Quick-thinking employee at Love’s 488 helps save infant’s life https://bit.ly/24yBeao via @LovesTravelStop

Ralls' instincts and willingness to take control of the situation allowed a family to avoid tragedy. Thank you for being a great person who cares!

Megan Ralls Charley Fisher

Love's 488 enjoyed cake to celebrate Megan Ralls' actions, and District Manager Charley Fisher presented her with a gift card.

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