The most inspected retreads on the road are from Love's

Love's Retread Solutions

Love's Truck Tire Care: A Name You Already Know and Trust

Love's Truck Tire Care now proudly manufactures retread tires . Our retreads offer high-performance tread designs featuring tires for many road surfaces and job types, including SmartWay verified products.

Love's is the only retread manufacturer that completes every inspection step available in the retreading process. Our five-step process utilizes visual light, electronic liner, laser shearography, X-ray inspection and pressure casing analysis. This means you get a reliable and consistent retread tire every time, making our retreads the best in the business.

In addition, Love's retreads carry the best warranty in the industry. Ours is simple: We warrant retread and casing for the full life of the retread. Repairs are warranted for the life of the casing when returned to Love's for retreading. We offer a comprehensive warranty like this because of our commitment to the quality of your tires.

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