Donation funds uniforms for dance team at Douglass Mid-High

Being a part of the Divine Divas dance team at Douglass Mid-High School in Oklahoma City is about three things, according to sponsor Carolyn Shelton.

"It's about academics, attitude and hard work," she said.

And just in time for last Saturday's big game against rival Millwood, it's also about looking terrific, thanks to some new uniforms purchased by The Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools. The purchase was funded by OU Physicians and Love's.

See also: Love's donates $120,000 to The Foundation for OKCPS

Principal Andrew Pearson noted the game between the Douglass Trojans and the Millwood Falcons was part of a larger fundraising event, a football doubleheader at Douglass' home stadium. Langston University played Bethany College at Moses Miller Stadium, just a couple hours after the big battle between the Trojans and Falcons.

It was a big day for the Divine Divas, a team that has been part of Douglass Mid-High for 15 years. The team name has been around for six of those years, and Shelton has been the team's sponsor for two.

She also teaches ninth- and 11th-grade English at the school.

The Divine Divas perform at all the football games and at home basketball games. They perform at community events, too, including the local Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade and the big Langston University parade. Shelton said the team is also planning trips to Houston and Louisiana for parades there.

Shelton said her dance team's style is similar to what you'll see at HBCU events. HBCU, or Historically Black Colleges and Universities, include schools such as Langston University in Oklahoma, Prairie View A&M in Texas and Grambling State and Southern universities in Louisiana.

Watch the story from Oklahoma City's NBC affiliate, KFOR-TV:

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