Get your tires Roadcheck Ready with Love's TirePass


The 30 th annual Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance International Roadcheck event happens June 6-8 and focuses on cargo securement safety. There will also be checks on tires, brake systems, lighting devices and more.

A recent CVSA new article states, "Inspectors will primarily be conducting the North American Standard Level I Inspection, which is the most thorough roadside inspection. The vehicle inspection includes checking items such as the brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft, exhaust systems, frames, fuel systems, lighting devices (required lamps), steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels, rims and hubs, windshield wipers, and emergency exits (on buses)."

Love's is here to help you and your tires get Roadcheck Ready with our innovative in-lane tire inflation and assessment service, TirePass .

At more than 250 Love’s locations nationwide, professional drivers can pull into the TirePass lane, use the in-lane call box to request a certified Love's Truck Tire Care technician. A technician will promptly greet you and start the TirePass service as you fuel.

TirePass properly inflates your tires and detects potential concerns before Roadcheck inspections begin.

Pull in to a TirePass lane today to get Roadcheck Ready!

BONUS: My Love Rewards members can pay for the TirePass service with their points!

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