Movin' on up: 24-month journey to Love's general manager

ellsworth loves general manager ross eveland

" Taking care of business " is more than a song you suddenly stop singing along to when you realize the person next to you at the red light is looking - it's a genuine way to approach your work, and the results can be impressive.

Look at Ross Eveland. He was a bartender at a casino, and saw enough broken dreams - including his own.

"I was just tired of nowhere to go," Eveland said. "I found Love's and found an opportunity where they said, 'you could move up quickly.'"

And Love's wasn't kidding. Eveland started as a cashier and worked his way up to shift leader. Within nine months, he was an operations manager. And a year and a half later, in December 2016, he was opening the brand new Love's 684 in Ellsworth, Iowa .

"If you work hard, you won't get overlooked," Eveland said. "There's a path for everybody. Some start higher than others, some start at the bottom, but Love's is a company that prides hard work."

So, if you ever see Eveland at a red light near Ellsworth, Iowa, and he's singing along to some Bachman-Turner Overdrive , don't expect him to stop. That's simply not his style.

To chart your own course with Love's, check out our opportunities in our stores , restaurants and management !

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