The best place to buy Spring Break clothes is not where you think

Ah, Spring Break. That magical time of year when schools close their doors, college students break out the beach wear and beer, and cranky seaside locals steel themselves for the coming hordes of 20-something tourists.

spring break meme

Credit: New Line Cinema

And for those hitting the road this March, Love's has your Spring Break fashion covered. Your annoying friend Becky asks, "But why would we need to get clothes from a travel stop?" Well Becky, for your information, our spring fashion choices are top-notch.

sundresses for spring

Just look at all the colors!

So whether you're headed to Laguna Beach, California , or Daytona Beach, Florida , stop at Love's along the way , and let us help you make your Spring Break even better (though you could start by leaving Becky at home).

spring break test conversation

Seriously, she's the worst.

Check Out Love's Spring Fashion!

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