Love's Employee Helps to Build Emerging Leaders of Tomorrow

Hear how Michael is helping develop leaders

Posted June 6, 2018
Michael Shellabarger Love's Emerging Leaders 

A Love's employee recently had a unique opportunity to present training to an exclusive group in Oklahoma City. Michael Shellabarger, Training Administrator at Love's, had the privilege of presenting to United Way's Emerging Leaders group.

Emerging Leaders includes young adults who contribute $500 or more annually to United Way and give back to the community through leadership and involvement opportunities. The group meets twice a year for Lunch and Learn events, which are designed to give group members the opportunity to gain new skills from the best of the best in OKC.

Michael provided fun and engaging training to the group at its most recent Lunch and Learn, which was sponsored by Love's. The presentation covered a topic all professionals can relate to time management.

"It was an exciting opportunity for me," Michael said. "I love giving people a new perspective that will help them get more out of their jobs and succeed."

For the presentation, Michael used the book "Eat that Frog" by Brian Tracy as a basis to teach best time management practices to help young professionals make the most of their time.

"They loved the way Michael took time management, which we all struggle with, and made it understandable and relatable. I think Michael provided a life lesson that we all took back to our daily lives," said Timberlynn Ortiz, Manager of Telecom Services at Love's.

Timberlynn is a member of the Emerging Leaders Steering Committee and nominated Michael Shellabarger for the gig.

"Michael, on top of being an amazing teacher, is always so intriguing and he makes learning fun! I knew that others would benefit from his teaching style," she said.

About 70 people participated in the Lunch and Learn, many of them Love's employees. Timberlynn encourages up-and-coming leaders to take advantage of these trainings because they encourage participants to be better leaders.

"It not only strengthens our bonds, but gives us more opportunities and encourages the younger generation to get out in the community and give back," she said.

While this group is the largest Michael has trained to date, he's excited about the opportunity to present to hundreds of interns through the Intern OKC program in July.

"I'm thankful to be in a position to be an ambassador for Love's, and I appreciated the opportunity to represent the company," he said.

Congratulations, Michael, on a job well done, and good luck in July!