7 healthy fast-food options at Love's Travel Stops

Posted July 16, 2014
fresh to go

Making healthy choices on the road isn’t always easy, but you can save hundreds of calories with just a few simple changes to your everyday meal. We have a variety of fast food options at our Love's Travel Stops across the country, and you *do* have healthy options!

Swap the mayo, beef and toasted buns for lighter options such as mustard, grilled chicken and lettuce wrap buns. As much as we all love bacon, it racks up calories and fat in no time. You can save close to 100 calories and 10 grams of fat per meal by leaving the bacon behind. Try one these seven healthier options for your next meal:

1. Hardee's: 1/3 lb. Low-carb "Thickburger" with lettuce-wrap bun, meat, lettuce, onion, tomato, ketchup, mustard, no mayo.

o  280 Calories

o  16g Fat

o  19g Protein

o  9g Carbohydrates

o  1g Dietary Fiber

Fun fact: You can substitute almost any bun, wrap or bread for a lettuce wrap bun at Hardee’s. By making this simple change, you will eliminate a sufficient amount of calories, fat and carbs.

2. Hardee’s: Original Turkey Burger: Charbroiled turkey burger, ketchup, mustard, red onion, tomato, lettuce and dill pickle chips. But no mayo!

o  320 Calories

o  9g Fat

o  31 Carbohydrates

o  28g Protein

o  3g Dietary Fiber

3. McDonalds: Premium grilled chicken sandwich with grilled chicken fillet, bakery-style bun, leaf lettuce and tomato slice. Hold the mayo.

o  300 calories

o  3.5g Fat

o  41g Carbohydrates

o  27g protein

o  3g Dietary Fiber

4. McDonald's: Premium Southwest Salad with grilled chicken, "Newman's Own" lowfat balsamic vinaigrette with no chili or lime tortilla strips:

o  290 Calories

o  9g Fat

o  27g Carbohydrates

o  26g protein

o  6g dietary fiber

5. Arby’s: Roast Chopped Farmhouse Salad with light Italian dressing and no pepper bacon:

o  190 Calories

o  10g Fat

o  8g Carbohydrates

o  19g Protein

o  3g Dietary Fiber

6. Arby’s: Grand Turkey Club with no mayo, no bacon:

o  310 Calories

o  8g Fat

o  36g Carbohydrates

o  24g Protein

o  5g Dietary Fiber

7. Chester’s Chicken: Chester Breaster with a side of green beans:

o  330 Calories

o  13g Fat

o  36g Carbohydrates

o  16g Protein

o  5g Dietary Fiber

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