Light Mechanical & Batteries
Love’s Truck Care and Speedco locations provide everything you need to keep your commercial truck reliable and safe.
Love’s and Speedco state-of-the-art truck care facilities are staffed with expert truck tire service technicians and diesel technicians on-site. Our truck tire service technicians are dedicated to provide professional drivers quality truck repair and maintenance services to get you back on the road quickly and safely.

Exclusive Commercial Truck Batteries from Interstate Batteries®
The right power in your rig means you have fewer replacements over the long haul. And who thinks more about the road ahead than long-haul drivers like you?
Count on the commercial line of truck batteries from Interstate Batteries to save your downtime with fewer battery replacements over the long haul. Known for generations on the NASCAR track and trusted in repair garages across the country, Interstate® delivers reliable battery power for every truck engine, cab load and lift gate.
Interstate Batteries are exclusive to Love's Travel Stops out of all the major travel stop destinations, offering premium-quality batteries to over-the-road owner/operators and fleets.
Click here for Interstate Commercial Truck Batteries
Get your batteries tested for free at Love's and Speedco Truck Care locations. One battery test can identify any weak batteries. Get a test every chance you can to stop downtime before it stops you.
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