Love's donation to help communities affected by floods in Louisiana

Flooding in Duson Louisiana 2016

At Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, we take care of our Customers. We take care of our employees. And we take care of our communities. In the aftermath of devastating floods across Louisiana, Love's is proud to donate $25,000 to The Salvation Army for help in ongoing recovery and relief efforts.

"At The Salvation Army, we believe it takes an army of generous, loving people to help their neighbor in a time of need. It takes individuals, it takes families, and it takes corporations like Love's to stand together with The Salvation Army so we are 'Doing The Most Good' for those who really need it. We truly appreciate Love's and all its employees for the generous donation to help the relief effort," said Maj. Roy Johnson, General Secretary for The Salvation Army's Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi Division.

It's been almost two weeks since nearly 30 inches of rain fell over parts of the Lafayette and Baton Rouge regions, killing 13 people and damaging more than 60,000 homes. The storms have impacted everybody in the area, including five Love's employees who lost everything, said Mark Stromeyer, general manager of Love’s 240 in Port Allen.

"I've been through a lot of hurricanes, and this has in a lot of ways been just as bad," Stromeyer said. "I'm just trying to be as supportive as I can for my employees, but it's really heartbreaking."

Stromeyer himself was trapped at home for several days because of flooding, and his mother lost everything. Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores has an assistance program to help employees affected by the storm.

That program and the donation from Love's to The Salvation Army are points of pride for Stromeyer.

"I'm really proud to work here. It's touching that Love's cares so much about employees and their communities," he said.

Canteens from The Salvation Army are going out each day in affected communities to help anyone who needs a hot meal, something to drink or somebody to talk to. Through the end of the weekend, The Salvation Army had prepared more than 37,000 meals, 24,400 drinks, 8,900 snacks, 3,600 food boxes, 3,100 clean-up kits and 5,040 comfort kits.

It is easy to give to The Salvation Army:

-- Give online at

-- Donate by mail:
The Salvation Army
P.O. Box 470
Mansura, LA 71350
Please Designate
August 2016 Gulf Coast Floods on all checks.

-- Donate by phone: Call 1-800-SALARMY (1-800-725-2769)

-- Text STORM to 51555 to receive a donation link for easy mobile giving

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